Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Recently, a simple not-so-important print-out got me thinking about our contributions at preserving the environment at work. The print-out was wanted and NOT needed!

It’s a clichéd question, nonetheless, an important one to ask?

“How Green is your work place?” “Are you doing your part to help save the environment?”

If you already are not, it’s time for you to step-up. You definitely don’t need a company wide campaign to tell you how to save paper, water or power! You need simple old Common-Sense!

Some questions require honest answers:

- Are you car pooling? Single occupant cars rate very high in carbon-di-oxide emissions…
- Can you avoid taking that print-out?
- Are you switching off power whenever its not is use? Its not just computers – even basic lighting and other electrical gadgets too1
- Is your company buying energy-saving equipment? If not, you do your part. You don’t need a company policy, remember?
- Are you the Champion promoter for a Green World in your company? The time is NOW! Take the lead!

It’s time to reduce your carbon-footprints! One day at a time……


- The HR Store