Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Candidate Tip: Part 3

In case you are reading this for the first time and wondering how come it's Part 3 already! Then you can catch up by reading the earlier parts to this series here & here.

  1. Put your phone on silent mode during an interview. There’s only one other person in the room. So acting like it’s not your phone ringing, is stupid!

  2. Talking in low voice because you're not in a good place to take the call isn’t the interviewer's fault! It was scheduled. Plan better.

  3. It's ok to say that you don't know the answer for an interview question. Answering vaguely doesn't help. But do ask the answer.

  4. Speak only in the language that's chosen as medium for the interview. Bringing in native words sounds unprofessional. Avoid it.

  5. Are you a manager? Then isn't 'Conflict Management' a critical part of a manager's role? What's your approach? Critical to know.

  6. When you are offered coffee/tea & you sip it loud enough to be heard 10 cubicles away, it's just GROSS.

  7. Swiveling in your chair during an interview looks very unprofessional. Stay put. Unless you don't want the job.

  8. If you chose to send your LinkedIn profile before sending your detailed resume, then please update your LI profile.

  9. Why use a pseudo-name on a resume?!? I'm stumped.