Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Only The Strong Survive!

You heard that right!

Recession isn’t a great thing to happen to any generation. Nonetheless, when it does happen and if you are stuck right in the middle of one – Buckle up! The road ahead just got a whole lot bumpy. However, I strongly feel a little dose of recession is necessary to help keep our feet firmly planted on the ground. Think about it – everyone one us learns methods to stretch that $//GBP/Yen/Rs to its maximum.

Surely, we all love unprecedented growth that boosts the economy to greater heights. All sections of the industry get a boost too. However, the unprecedented growth tends to create an urgency that blurs the line when it comes to identifying the Best-From-The-Rest. In a fast-paced growth environment, we find ourselves fighting with time and head along a route that hopefully takes us to the top. The fight is to become the best in the “LEAST-TIME-TAKEN” category. So far so good....

Now fast forward to an era which has seen more than 10 years of unprecedented growth in the past. The economy-bubble has grown to an extent that lingers on a thin line between accommodating more growth and eliminating weaker players from the field. That’s more like a situation - we hate to call it “Recession”. The playing field is shrinking continuously, the company’s with stronger strategies, deeper pockets, competitive staff, recurring customers and a lean mass – will SURVIVE!

The favorite words of these times are “Cost-Cutting” and “Frugality”. A dollar saved is a dollar gained! Driving ‘Frugality’ in spending isn’t just a HR thing. It’s ownership lies with every single employee in the organization.

The more you save, the better the chances of retaining your job! Really!

- The HR Store